Sunday, June 11, 2017

Meet Loki, our Shop Dog

Here at Expressive Events, we like to take a break from event related posts every once and a while and write about something completely different; our furry friend, Loki.  Loki is a Great Pyranese, Australian Shepard cross and he keeps us company at the shop.  Loki has been with us for almost two years, and we just couldn't imagine work without him.  Not only does he boost morale, but he keeps us laughing all day.  However, productivity does suffer somewhat when he's around because he's just too cute to ignore!

He's also great to have around when we're working late into the night or by ourselves, because he's big enough to be intimidating to strangers passing by.  Unfortunately, he sometimes does scare OUR clients, but only until they realize he's a big softy that wouldn't hurt a fly!  If you ever want to meet our dog pal, come visit our showroom located at Bay 132, 1530 27th Avenue NE, or call 403-295-3030 to book a consultation for your next event!

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